NLXL Lab Editions
One good wallpaper design doesn't always lead to an entire collection. A great idea for a notebook doesn't make you the world's stationary expert.But great ideas should not be shelved. Enter NLXL Lab. NLXL Lab is not just about wallpaper editions. It's a notebook, a keychain, a printed plywood stool and much more...
"NLXL Lab gives us the chance to work with a lot of different designers on a lot of different ideas. We love these beautiful wallpaper editions. NLXL Lab Editions are the same high quality you would expect from any NLXL product. We are not only working with upcoming designers like Thomas Eurlings, Erik Gutter or the Cookie Brothers, you can also expect editions by Piet Boon, Merci, Studio Job and many others. Be prepared for a lot of nice stuff!"