Daniel Rozensztroch + Merci Paris
Daniel Rozensztroch is the artistic director of the Paris-based French concept store, Merci which is responsible for influencing design the world over. Previously Daniel worked as editorial advisor at French interiors magazine Marie Claire Maison and is now responsible for upholding the image and reputation of this celebrated store which gives 100% of its profits to a project based in Madagascar. Daniel has also worked as a design consultant and written several books on the subject of design from cultural styles to ordinary objects.
In 2009, MERCI selected a vintage ceiling tins as a décor concept for the Parisien store. Since the opening, there is not one day without seeing a visitor taking pictures of the MERCI tin counter or asking to buy it. This phenomenon has given MERCI the idea to get together with NLXL to design and market the wallpaper collection Brooklyn Tins.